For the second half of the twentieth century, the Third Reich has been deliberated and dissected.
Now, as the Greatest Generation fades into history, the image of 40,000 uniformed Nazis goose-stepping in perfect synchronization represents all most Americans know about history’s most dangerously successful totalitarian government.
Dig deep beneath the surface of our collective understanding of the Third Reich as History unearths what we don’t know about the individuals who comprised one of the most fascinating and complex regimes of recent history.
Third Reich: The Rise and Fall uncovers familiar anecdotes and fascinating details about the people who comprised the Nazi Party, and raids the treasure trove of archives the Nazis left behind, including rarely seen German newsreel recordings along with other unique footage carried home by Russian troops.

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War sucks….
Truly an incredible documentary of the horror and destruction brought upon the countries of Europe by the German Nazi party supported by millions of brain-washed German People who thought that Adolph Hitler was the greatest leader that Germany ever saw. I was apalled that these, so called Superior, Aryan, Perfect Sheep of a race of people couldn`t see what this sadistic, madman of a leader was doing. How could they all just go along with the murders and destruction of friendly neighbours and innocent people and support the insideous crimes of their Nazi Leaders and then…just go along with their lovely style of living, thinking that the world is fine and Hitler is wonderful and no harm will ever happen to them…It is such a foolish tragedy that will never be forgotten and thanks to great documentaries such as this, the world will open their eyes and hopefully, this will never be repeated…
Note from the future….
Note from the future…..
I`ve often wondered who really won WW11 and for sure its not my country , Britain. Although Usa came in late and did relatively little fighting I would say they were the only victors. Anyway as we now know its all done by mirrors and we only learn what THEY chose to teach us and its onlt recently that books and films have started hinting at what really happened on all sides.
“Usa came late and did relatively little fighting” almost twice as many americans soldiers died in the war as brits did.
Being a second world war history buff, I really enjoyed this film. I’d never seen most of the footage before. I learned a lot of new information about this era. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.
Being a second world war history buff, I really enjoyed this film. I’d never seen most of the footage before. I learned a lot of new information about this era. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.
to: Allen which facts do you want? the ones that governments have shoved down your throat since the beginning of time to keep you on their side? I’m not attacking you, I’m just asking what facts do you speak of? they’re different in every country, which ones do you want?
to: Allen which facts do you want? the ones that governments have shoved down your throat since the beginning of time to keep you on their side? I’m not attacking you, I’m just asking what facts do you speak of? they’re different in every country, which ones do you want?
to: Allen which facts do you want? the ones that governments have shoved down your throat since the beginning of time to keep you on their side? I’m not attacking you, I’m just asking what facts do you speak of? they’re different in every country, which ones do you want?
No commentaries by people of interest. Just citations by people that lived in that time period. It’s interresting, and the Quality of the image is awesome. I just wish they had incorporated commentaries, a solid narration and more historical facts.
No commentaries by people of interest. Just citations by people that lived in that time period. It’s interresting, and the Quality of the image is awesome. I just wish they had incorporated commentaries, a solid narration and more historical facts.
to: Allen which facts do you want? the ones that governments have shoved down your throat since the beginning of time to keep you on their side? I’m not attacking you, I’m just asking what facts do you speak of? they’re different in every country, which ones do you want?
to: Allen which facts do you want? the ones that governments have shoved down your throat since the beginning of time to keep you on their side? I’m not attacking you, I’m just asking what facts do you speak of? they’re different in every country, which ones do you want?
facts don’t exist, they are just popular opinion. facts will never surpass the populations that support them.
facts don’t exist, they are just popular opinion. facts will never surpass the populations that support them.
to: Allen which facts do you want? the ones that governments have shoved down your throat since the beginning of time to keep you on their side? I’m not attacking you, I’m just asking what facts do you speak of? they’re different in every country, which ones do you want?
footage is great though..
footage is great though..
footage is great though..
not the best doc only silly horror stories and inaccurate anecdotes…