Neo-Tribal culture documentarians, Ken Hacke and Lisa Archibald take you on a tantalizing visual experience into the power of music, dance and celebration in creating community. Join them as they travel from the west coast of British Columbia to Northern and Southern Alberta, finding like-minded individuals gathering together for the love of dance.

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@Skeptic- it is part of the human condition to seek answers for life’s mysteries. For the majority of humans this is done by attaching spiritual significance to events and interactions in our lives. There is no intrinsic harm in seeking refuge in spiritualism and mysticism. Who knows, the spiritualists may be right.
Well done….be nice to contribute one day to 🙂
Question? Why can’t people enjoy and revel in things like dancing, art, music, community, comradery, nature, happiness, sharing, etc, without having to come up with “spiritual” “transcendental” “higher power” bullshit to explain it?
Ah, white people …
I really appreciate the genuine community feel of these smaller events.
I grew up just north of the location of crystal creek and was fortunate
enough to be immersed in this type of activity from a young age. I hope that the next generation of people entering these experiences continue to understand what the true spiritual value of these events are and continue to build spiritual relationships with each other and the natural world around them. I believe it’s true that when you look into the larger more popular venues they have become too homogenous to host as unique and profound an energy as can be found at smaller events.
The only guy I trust is the Arab selling the short straight black love.. I’ll take eight!
The only guy I trust is the Arab selling the short straight black love.. I’ll take eight!
Not a single mention of Shambala? You should be ashamed of yourselves.
I came here because of Shambala… Heard a lot about when I studied in the kootenays
I suppose if this was an video about every major party in Western Canada then missing Shambala would be a error, but this video is more about the smaller events and the community that forms around them. We did think about including Shambala, not as separate section of the video, but by showing how this community shows up at Shambala by hosting the Illuminasphere. In the end we decided that it was simply beyond the scope of this video and that Shambala deserves its own video dedicated solely to it.
Self righteous delusional fu*** hippies! Who believe them self to be virtuous. But at least their trying something. And i have to say i was one of them and remember how fascinating it was to be on ecstasy and to see the transformation of one attitude with the illusion of peace and togetherness. Chemical Utopia and cheap pseudo-spiritual creative mombo-jumbo.
But i’m a bit harsh for nothing here, i’m just a frustrated disillusioned ex-leftwinger of the worst kind. Peace childrens of the light!
Self righteous delusional fu*** hippies! Who believe them self to be virtuous. But at least their trying something. And i have to say i was one of them and remember how fascinating it was to be on ecstasy and to see the transformation of one attitude with the illusion of peace and togetherness. Chemical Utopia and cheap pseudo-spiritual creative mombo-jumbo.