This Fifth Estate documentary was filmed in 1994 and is about a troubled 11 year old called Evan and his family. His parents agreed to have video cameras installed in their home for a 3 month period which resulted in recording Evan’s emotional abuse.

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This site truly has all the info I needed about this subject and didn’t know who to ask.
I don’t know which of the two is the more disgusting mess, the mother or the father. I would not be surprised if that kid is in prison.
I have seen this kind of thing play out in the life of a kid I met, the kind and sensitive son of a former friend. As the father behaved in a highly emotionally charged and illogical manner, and a threatening one at that, the kid’s performance and behavior in school fell off. His father viewed him as a threat and adversary, though, and was only too glad to pack him off.
I have also lived next to an absolutely abusive neighbor, a middle aged woman who mentally and emotionally tormented the two very young children she was in custody of. I put a stop to it by stopping by, talking to her in an even tone, while offering the family half of a cake that I had just purchased. She was very frozen in her manner and could barely speak, but she got the message that I was aware of what was going on and she chilled the f out.
Its called Attachment Disorder
if you don’t think that verbal abuse causes extreme behaviours please go and inform yourself.
Its 10 years later, wonder how Evan is doing today.
He is dead. He killed two people before he died escaping from police.
Not the same story. Evan was from Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA.
The man in the picture is that Evan’s bio father. The Evan in the doc never met his father.
Oh thanks for posting that. Is it the same guy though? The report kept saying that he was really close to his lawyer father, which doesn’t sound like the father in the documentary. It also says Evan died at age 28, but he should have been 32 by now. ( I got my math wrong in my original comment, it’s been 20 years since the film not 10)
No its not the same Evan. Trouble With Evan took place in Canada. Also That Evan would be 29 today, whereas Evan in 1994 was 11, so he would be at 31.
Evans parents were named Karin and Michael, and he was from Hamilton, Ontario. Not the same Evan
Take this child and his sister into care. Charge these parents! This mother has no excuse for not protecting her children. For shame.
Stop being a retard. There are literally tens of milions of kids around the world that have it worse off than Evan and yet aren’t evil little devils. While I think these parents are pieces of human trash, their behavior is NOT solely responsible for Evan’s actions.There is clearly something more going on with him.
He was a fucking kid, acting out the only way he knew how. Yes, there are tens of millions of kids that have it worse of then Evan, but that doesn’t mean we, as a society, should ever condone neglect, verbal abuse or torment. He was acting out because he was not receiving what he needed at home. I bet you sympathize with the parents and cannot accept personal responsibility for your own actions in your sad life…so you blame the kid. Disgusting.
Where do you nurse? it should be avoided at all costs.
You’re grossly misinformed……and if you’re truly a nurse, God help us!
This is horrific.
Couldn’t they blur the faces?? I was 1994 not 1894. lol
This was exactly how my childhood was. I now have severe depression, BPD and slip into despondent states. I have tried to kill myself several times. I am incredibly unhappy. FUCK THOSE PARENTS. AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD CAN NOT BE LOCKED OUT A HOUSE OR NOT FEED. THAT IS CHILD ABUSE, FUCKING CREEPS. Treat an eleven year old like a child, not an emotional punching bag.
these parents should be brought in to a field and shot
I really hope he was removed from their care after this! It’s disgusting.
Narrated by a robot?
Haha I can’t stop laughing at your comment
The trouble with having parents less intelligent than the child — is a more suitable title.
Anyone who has suffered similar parenting, should seek therapy and perhaps look into “Stefan Molyneux” on youtube.
Therapy? Absolutely. Stefan Molyneux however is an emotionally manipulative cult leader whom vulnerable people should not be directed to.
These parents are horrifically emotionally abusive to this poor kid.
A petri dish and a test tube would make better parents than these two. Pathetic. No trouble with Evan – trouble FOR Evan.