
Warning: This Drug May Kill You

HBO’s special Warning: This Drug May Kill You is a heartbreaking tale of four families who have all been tragically affected by prescribed opioid addiction, it is an epidemic that is echoed all across the United States, ripping communities apart one addict at a time.

It is an epidemic which was fueled by an aggressive 1990’s marketing campaign led by Purdue Pharma that promoted the widespread use of opioids to treat pain and minimised the risk of addiction. This campaign saw doctors being encouraged to prescribe patients with these strong painkillers, whilst citing a report which claimed “Less than 1% of patients taking opioids actually become addicted”.

Twenty something years on it is now evident that these campaigns were based on fiction and now the companies who peddled this ‘medication’ can’t even deny the negative impact it has had on the country.

Through a number of interviews we hear from some of the families affected, and how teenagers from as young as 16 were prescribed the likes of Oxycontin for something as simple as kidney stone pain and how this initial prescription transpired into full blown addiction. Unfortunately stories such as this one have become commonplace in todays society but in an effort to shine a light on the issue this film hits hard and urges the medical profession and policy makers to take action.


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  1. This is a continuous 10 minute loop of the same thing over znd over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

  2. Very eye opening documentary about what is going on in the United States.

  3. Urging the medical profession and policy makers to take action won’t change a damn thing. Any real medicine that fights addiction (ibogaine) is either a schedule 1 drug or the DEA is trying to put it there (kratom).

    • Sorry my email address is [email protected]

    • Beloved Christian may I enquire, how long did you take between stopping the antipsichotics and your first dosage of abogaine.

      Was there a period in between or you when straight from the drugs you were doing plus the anti psychotics into abogaine?

      Could you kindly answer directly to my email [email protected]

      mush love


      Did you have a clear intention before taking the abogaine or the fear of losing what you know was what you had in mind?


  4. Urging the medical profession and policy makers to take action won’t change a damn thing. Any real medicine that fights addiction (ibogaine) is either a schedule 1 drug or the DEA is trying to put it there (kratom).

  5. Doctors who peddle this stuff should be prosecuted as drug dealers. These drugs were originally intended for use in end of life patients until Purdue came up with their slow release propaganda. They knew it was addictive and sold it anyway. People with no predisposition to addiction get hurt somehow and a few years later they are dead from an overdose. Tragic stories.

  6. Addiction is a powerful thing and it’s sickening to think the medical field is now pretty much openly abusing people by knowingly prescribing highly addictive substances for inappropriate circumstances.