
When Cousins Marry

Statistics show that in the United Kingdom more than half of British Pakistanis marry their first cousins. When Cousins Marry is a 2010 Channel 4 Dispatches special that examines the tragic consequences of a cultural practice that is devastating children’s lives.

Every year the UK sees first cousin marriages cause many hundreds of children being born with awful disabilities. One third of these children are born so ill that they die before they are five years old.

In this film we see first hand how this culture has affected a family from Bradford, where 75 percent of ethnic Pakistanis follow the tradition. Several of the six children in this family suffer from a rare genetic disease which is gradually destroying their bodies.

The tradition itself is the subject of great sensitivity. Many journalists and policy makers fear to discuss it, in case they are accused of racism.

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  1. Islam is stupid and people who follow it are weak minded idiots who believe in invisible fairies. Our world is worse because of bronze age thinking about where we came from. Deciding invisible fairies know all is the heighth of inanity, ignorance, and delusion. Fun to pretend elves are in the trees and the creek is full of hot lava. Did it as a kid. I didn’t then convince myself the elves were real, and really really good and moral and I should write a book and claim the elves told me to write it. Why? Because I’m not a total idiot who “needs” the comfort of a mass lie like religion.

  2. Whybare we discussing religion here or communities, cousin marriage is a problem n health risk, full stop. Our beloved prophet Muhammed pbuh has discouraged it. End of

  3. Oh, please. Islam is not disgusting. The Royal family has been inbreeding forever and producing all kinds of issues with the offsprings. And there are several disgusting practices in all religions. Please don’t be so ignorant.

  4. cousin marriage is wrong Victoria –
    , there is nothing disgusting about Islam there plenty that is disgusting but there is also beautiful things
    Leslie Graham Islam is a disgusting ‘religion’ and has no place in the 21st century. the best parts of the Quran are timeless it just needs reformation

  5. Leslie Graham, there is nothing disgusting about Islam. Please educate yourself before you make such a disgusting comment. Any religion, including Christianity, can be positive or bastardized.

  6. Vile ‘culture’. And it’s got nothing to do with ‘racism’. I don’t give a shit if they are orange with purple stripes. Islam is a disgusting ‘religion’ and has no place in the 21st century.

    • Nothing like or disgusting or vile about Islam. The British Royal family did the same for centuries. Inbreeding and inter marrying was always accepted to keep fortunes and families together. Nothing to do with religion, everything to do with greed.