

Exclusive rough-cut of first in-depth documentary on WikiLeaks and the people behind it.

From summer 2010 until now, Swedish Television has been following the secretive media network WikiLeaks and its enigmatic Editor-in-Chief Julian Assange.

Reporters Jesper Huor and Bosse Lindquist have traveled to key countries where WikiLeaks operates, interviewing top members, such as Assange, new Spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson, as well as people like Daniel Domscheit-Berg who now is starting his own version –!

Where is the secretive organization heading? Stronger than ever, or broken by the US? Who is Assange: champion of freedom, spy or rapist? What are his objectives? What are the consequences for the internet?

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  1. rock on assange, clinton the slag, fuck the defence dept and america

  2. this strings a few linked well edited interviews as well medias we all know about having in the recent past is there any new documented material out there well old adage WAIT & SEE

  3. Catch me and my colleagues short documentary On my youtube about Wikileaks, Julian assange, Bradley Manning and those who try to stop truth and justice for the public

  4. Those helicopter gunners all need to be tried for murder and put in prison, the ones from that crew in the footage, which is clearly evidence of murder, and all the other criminals murdering innocent people, in cold blood.  These are serial murderers and need to be brought to justice.

    • This is the good ol’ US of A. Baseball, Apple Pie and mass murder on a scale that boggles the mind. Bringing those killers to justice would be as anti-American as say, prosecuting the Clintons, or labeling Snowden what he actually is – A HERO!! We start doing that crazy stuff, and the next thing you know we could have truth and justice in this crap-hole of a country, and that’s just not ‘American.’

  5. worth a watch 🙂 It got better as it went too

  6. worth a watch 🙂 It got better as it went too

  7. worth a watch 🙂 It got better as it went too

  8. worth a watch 🙂 It got better as it went too

  9. After seeing what American troops did on foreign soil and the big picture of the aftermath of each invasion, you would honestly understand why people hates America.

  10. Hi there , the link is broken but i found another one .

  11. we always forget or try to ignore our own fault………..because we can’t see our own face without the help of mirror………do u want to see your ( USA ) real face (not show off one )…….u got to see by world opinion….. i believe u know the obvious result…… before BLAME GAME….think twice.thrice…infinite times………u are not talking with ignorant people. First correct yourself ( american ) then come to correct others. You are , only u are the mother of your own sufferings . OPEN YOUR EYES BROTHER….your eyes are closed……OPEN IT….NOW

  12. Why did they choose Geoff Whiton to be interviewed? They picked the most pretentious “FUX NEWS” spokesperson to give the American point of view. I think you will find the majority of the American people are so fed up with all of the corruption going on in our country that almost all of us outside the military (or the republican party) unanimously agree with and support organizations like Wikileaks and Open Leaks. It is also very clear how corrupt our system is when our leaders cower and resort to smear tactics when the truth is told.

  13. BTW Ben: Please leave your email address and password in the next post if you don’t want to be hypocrite. It is illegal and immoral to read Sarah Palin’s private emails. If I hacked your email this week (it’s not impossible from here) and posted it online would you be interested in fighting for your right then? Or would you applaud my “journalism”. Wikileaks is not journalism.

  14. “The world will hate you because it hated me.” – Jesus of Nazareth. Julian Assange: You’re no Jesus. You’re a liberal man-child trying to get laid and validate yourself just like everyone else. The problem is that people could lose their lives in your quest to be important. Just had to say that. Now…Cue the pseudo-intellectual re-hashed ideas from Hollywood and University!

    • hey jesus looking to get laid,

      did hollywood tell you that people could loose their lives because of this individuals quest to be important or did fox news tell you that.  the iraq war is an illegal war.  now who is putting peoples (sounds like you only see americans as people) lives in danger?  its one thing to put aside some of the horrors of war when we are trying to put an end to a maniac that has convinced a country that genocide is an ok idea, but its something entirely different when its for what reason i dont think any of us are entirely sure.

    • hey jesus looking to get laid,

      did hollywood tell you that people could loose their lives because of this individuals quest to be important or did fox news tell you that.  the iraq war is an illegal war.  now who is putting peoples (sounds like you only see americans as people) lives in danger?  its one thing to put aside some of the horrors of war when we are trying to put an end to a maniac that has convinced a country that genocide is an ok idea, but its something entirely different when its for what reason i dont think any of us are entirely sure.

    • THANK YOU!!!! I felt like the only one who saw this and still didnt think he was a hero.

  15. A couple videos in the series of videos making up this film weren’t available to me. One was about to talk about Sarah Palin’s emails, really really wanted to see that 🙁 But, that is not an issue with the documentary itself.

    I am grateful that this documentary was made. Not only does it bring inspiration to myself, and I can only assume many others, but it also brings light to the overall motivation and objectives for Wikileaks and the people behind it during these times of mainstream slander and ‘grassroot’ debates. This is independent media setting the standards for mainstream media.

    Sign me up. <3

  16. Julian for president of the US!
    If only he were american (and black).

    Wikileaks is the first great example of how the powerfull concept of openness – which has been nurtured on the web – now affects the real world.
    I don’t think Julian should be granted the nobel price for peace, I think he should be granted the definition of it.

    Great documentary.

    • I’m an American and a former Air Force staff sergeant, and while I love the country in which I live I also despise the corrupt government that runs it (into the ground).  I’ve heard people say that the actions of Wikileaks puts American lives at risk.  While this may be true in some instances, we have to ask ourselves if the actions of the military industrial complex, along with that of our government, is legal, ethical, and moral to begin with.  We’re fighting illegal wars and have been doing so since after WW2.  They ignore the Constitution, which is supposed to put restraints on the government in order to prevent them from acting the way they do.  It’s no doubt that the Constitution has been subverted by both parties (really one party with 2 factions).

      We need to have more Julian Assange’s and Wikileaks.  Sure, certain things should remain secret.  But other certain things need to be brought out into the open.  If China were over here acting the way our military does (in certain cases), we would be in an uproar.  Perhaps if our maniacal government would cut out the tyranny, Wikileaks wouldn’t have to exist. I guess the truth really does hurt.

      And for those of you bashing the U.S., maybe you should take a look at your own system. With the exception of maybe a few, I can guarantee yours is just as corrupt as ours.  

      • I am a Canadian and I agree we need to stop the American bashing. We should be supporting the people of America against their corrupt government. (I have been closely following events in Wisconsin and am frequently moved to tears with the efforts of the people to stop an oppressive government.)

        My federal government is a shame in terms of the Kyoto Accord, internationally. Please don’t hate me because of a government that shames us. My federal government has taken illegal steps to shut down our efficient Canadian Wheat Board. My federal government is trying to sneak so many terrible legislation bills forward.

        Lets band together…all people in all countries…and stop the awful actions of our so called “democratic governments”. Don’t divide and conquer. Freethinker, you are my friend in spirit. Please keep yourself up to date (and oppose) the awful things my federal government is doing and I promise to resciprocate. Peace to you and yours.

  17. fuck the stupid americans!

  18. Thank you for this fine work and to all who help with real freedom associated with this topic. It’s amazing and unbelievable that the general with all the gucci would accuse Assange of putting civilians in possible harm’s way because of part of the information. Classic!

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