Interesting documentary which examines the myth and reality behind some of the most famous cases of feral children, who have been discovered around the World. There’s some fascinating footage of kids who have allegedly been brought up by all sorts of animals, and we also hear about some of our traditional stories relating to children who have grown up primarily in the company of other living creatures. This film attempts to make us think about our place in the animal kingdom – What exactly does it mean to be a human being? Is nature or nurture more important for our conditioning? – but it also exposes the reality that many of the children who have been found to be growing up in the ‘wild’, have often run away from an abusive situation at home.

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Even severely retarded children can get adopted and find forever homes. This child does not get this chance. Her parents abused her with no physical or mental stimulation or love. She falls into the hands of psychologists who very unprofessionally take her into their homes while they are studying her. The inevitable happens – she misses her window to be adopted by a real family and as soon as the psychologists are no longer funded to study her they discard her. She ends up in the foster system as a young severely retarded adult and gets badly abused. She regresses from even speaking. She stays with her mother( who originally abused) as short time and then that woman decides she can’t take her and she end up an adult home. You can guess the adult home only takes her for the money.
I found the psychologists the truly despicable people in this. Sure they “looked” likable but most
people who use others do. The last one who took her in gave her a fake family environment – admitted then never planned on keeping her then dumped her as soon as they were no longer paid to study her. One psychologist who temporarily took her in as his own even said he couldn’t possibly love her because that would be against his professional ethics.
They get sued by the mother but not the child who was actually abused. In other-words they preyed on the weak who couldn’t sue them herself.
The psychologists act like it’s sad how her life turned out when they actively created this end. It’s sad they didn’t get kicked out of their professions. They, like her mother, got away with it.