Episode 7: Striking Distance
American forces storm the Philippines while Shelby Westbrook is shot down over Europe. Jack Yusen battles the dangers of the deep when his ship is sunk after a heroic duel.

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Episode 7: Striking Distance
American forces storm the Philippines while Shelby Westbrook is shot down over Europe. Jack Yusen battles the dangers of the deep when his ship is sunk after a heroic duel.
This people fight for freedom for all of as.I em from ex Yugoslavia.Everybody fight for our freedom black,white,yellow and i respect this.Thank u all.
this sucks worse than the racist comment below
The presence of that negro made this episode very unpleasant to watch.
That guy Westbrook fight for freedom,did your father or you doing sem thing?
you must be american you racist asshole..lol
oh my God, how u dare?!
oh my God, how u dare?!
The world is having this kind of war because of people like you. I’m very sorry for you.
Did you write this while sitting on a penis? Pitiful effeminate worm.
Did you write this while sitting on a penis? Pitiful effeminate worm.
good doc
good doc