Episode 1: Darkness Falls As Europe falls under Nazi control, America is unprepared for war and the attack on Pearl Harbor. The first bloody battles are fought on Guadalcanal and in North Africa.

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Episode 1: Darkness Falls As Europe falls under Nazi control, America is unprepared for war and the attack on Pearl Harbor. The first bloody battles are fought on Guadalcanal and in North Africa.
Good documentary imo, im only on episode 1 so I cannot venture a thorough opinion as to the content, whether its a full cover or, just a review of the american actions. This has started with the japanese front. I think WW1 was probably the more terrifying of the wars in terms of the average soldier, whereas WW2 was far more terrifying towards civilians then WW1. The things people can do, and find themselves doing in a theater of war is incredible. My mind cannot even fathom the thoughts and feelings of these soldiers in their technological/political era. It really must have been a powerful.
Just like every other web site…nothing works properly…
came to watch..WWII In HD episode 8 but f**k all….why the f**k does nothing work
you bunch of stupid fucks, its not the jews fault! hilters plan to create a super race! if it wasnt for usa and uk, you dicks wouldnt be born or youd be german! TWATS
G’Day! Documentaryheaven,
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this is a part of history that should never be forgotten.
elke 100 jaar heeft de wereld een oorlog gekend,na ww 2.hebben we oorlog toestanden gekend met rusland-of het midden oosten .
om maar niet te praten over de oorlogen die amerika uit wilde vechten ,voor olie en een wereld heerschappij,en nu komt irak er aan ,waar gaat het over wereld heerschappij ,atoom bommen of geloofs overtuigingen .Hulde aan de soldaten die gestuurd werden en het niet overleefde
It is mazing to me that this film begins with the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbour. France, Britain and Poland began fighting in 1939. Are Americans really so insular that producers of documentaries can’t risk giving the whole story. Given that there is LOTS of colour film of the first 27 moths of the war.
Australians had held the town and harbour of Tobruk in Libya for eight months against Rommel’s PAA by November 1941.
Last but not least, in real time, the first attacks by the Japanese occurred in SE Asia against Malaya via Thailand. It’s a time zone thing in terms of how it’s recorded by history.
Tim Bailey
It is mazing to me that this film begins with the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbour. France, Britain and Poland began fighting in 1939. Are Americans really so insular that producers of documentaries can’t risk giving the whole story. Given that there is LOTS of colour film of the first 27 moths of the war.
Australians had held the town and harbour of Tobruk in Libya for eight months against Rommel’s PAA by November 1941.
Last but not least, in real time, the first attacks by the Japanese occurred in SE Asia against Malaya via Thailand. It’s a time zone thing in terms of how it’s recorded by history.
Tim Bailey
Around minute 4 of the video, it begins in 1939. If you watch past the intro you see that. Thank you for a helpful review though!
The most disheartening thing is that if any nation on earth should have learned the evil of herding civilians behind barbed wire, dehumanizing them and using legal fictions as a justification for torture and murder it should be Israel. Unfortunately the tragedies of the past seem – to what is probably just a minority of Israelis – to be a justification for their conduct now. Anyone who tries to pretend that their enemy is not human has taken the first step down a very dark path. Unfortunately, a few anti-Semitic nitwits on here seem to be doing so as well, if they are not just Trolling, anyway.
Ignorant comments about the Jews is what people are left with after watching this documentary? How about a new found understanding of just how horrifying the atrocities of WWll were? What about a greater understanding of the courage and bravery that young men demonstrated when defending ALL people’s right to freedom?
very good doc
very good doc
very good doc
Thank you for someone who actually sees things as they are.
Gas the Jew
if the jews wernt here then the world would be a lot safer! its because of jewswe have so many wars so sad
if the jews wernt here then the world would be a lot safer! its because of jewswe have so many wars so sad
Yeah gotta watch out for those Japanese Jews, their the worst and what about those German Jews, the way they invaded Poland. Dog gone Jews.
Yeah, watch out for those japanese jews. Damn, I think Buddha was a jew just like Jesus. Wow. You neo nazi’s are really stupid. i can not believe some of these comments. Where in the hell do they get these “FACTS”??? Grow up boys. Why are they soooo angry? Did their dads fuck them at an early age? Get over it. Jesus was a jew.
your a f@cking retard buddy!! wow f@cking nazi!
If you weren’t here the world wouldn’t be so stupid. Grow up
technically, he’s right, the Jewish society has allot of money, if not the most.
And since most wars are waged for oil/money, yes without the jews, we’d be better off probably.
Not that I am a Jew hater or anything, this is statistically proven.
Jesus fuck, it is not “statistically proven”.
if the jews wernt here then the world would be a lot safer! its because of jewswe have so many wars so sad
I quote ” Japan made war on United States without declaring it”…
Bullshit! http://www.rense.com/general10/consp.htm