Minute by minute documentary about September 11 2001 and the terrorist attacks that day. It contains tons of footage from the WTC impacts and collapse as well as the pentagon.It contains interviews with survivors and actual recordings from the WTC , passengers, flight crew and the terrorists on the planes. Одним из наиболее распространенных наказаний является блокировка аккаунта игрока. При нарушении правил онлайн-казино Вавада России, казино может принять решение временно или постоянно заблокировать аккаунт игрока. В этом случае игрок теряет доступ к своим средствам на счете и не может продолжать игру в данном казино. Наказания игрока за нарушение правил онлайн казино официальный сайт Вавады России могут быть различными и зависят от характера нарушения. Онлайн-казино стремятся обеспечить честную и безопасную игровую среду для всех своих пользователей.

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true…building 7 smashed down to hide the inside story….
I can’t figure out building seven. Can anyone out there explain it to me?
“…unless you repent you will all likewise perish…”
“…unless you repent you will all likewise perish…”
http://www.1channel.ch/watch-2727317-9-11-Conspiracy-Road-Trip http://www.putlocker.com/file/9ED830CF04376BCB
Oh the conspiracy nutcases (that thankfully the above doc refreshingly dodged, nice 9/11 could just come across again, without yet another 9/11 nut job doc invasion of nonsense. Btw the utter tripe that comes out your mouth, is not suddenly “fact” just cos you troll forums blurting out, even though you have no concept on a vast majority of the shite you come out with, just know you read it somewhere, on someone elses blog, then defend it for all your worth, cos it sounded cool, and different, and so “out there” when this `other person` came up with it and said it, so you pinched it, and preached it, maybe hoping some of that attention they got for saying it would rub off on you if you sheeply did the same. lol) are all out the woodwork again over a 9/11 doc that returned to showing a program on… 9/11…normally, again, and not another `nutcase 9/11` they had been happily flooded by of late, and they are all up in arms… in forums everywhere, over not getting their menalist crackpot stories even mentioned briefly in a doc.. for a change. Look i can copy and paste ideas and things i agree with, but did not come up with myself aswell!, yaaaay! thought and idea jacking is great! oh i see why you guys like doing this, being a intellectual bum IS fun! “First, while I’m sure this forum is only populated with a few true conspiracy theorists, they and what I call “conspiracy hobbyists” tend to make themselves such a nuisance that they distort the truth with a form of “mob mentality.” Shout out a simple, emotion-stirring call: “It was Bush!” “It was an inside job!” “It was all for oil!” Repeat these rallying cries enough, and you find people itching to pounce aggressively — and en masse — on anyone presenting a differing opinion. I’m not questioning the validity of those statements, merely denouncing the hysteria they’ve been shown to galvanize. Second, referencing an article, in a scathing forum post, to support your position, does not prove that position; it only suggests either that you can read, or that you copied the URL from someone else.”
this is how its going into history. building 7 is erased.whith lots of other facts
this is how its going into history. building 7 is erased.whith lots of other facts
America’s logic for going to war. Terrorists flew aeroplanes into the twin towers, so they must have weapons of mass distruction… duh right?
America’s logic for going to war. Terrorists flew aeroplanes into the twin towers, so they must have weapons of mass distruction… duh right?
America’s logic for going to war. Terrorists flew aeroplanes into the twin towers, so they must have weapons of mass distruction… duh right?
hey, eyewitnesses that work for fox news, it doesn’t get any more reliable than that; unless it is an unsworn testimony from cheney and bush.
Well lilcrooky.. some of us don’t buy everything hook line and sinker.. we want to know if there is even a little chance of something different happening
one of the better 9/11 docs, back to facts and actual timelines, and steering clear of conspiracy nutcases.
and no one word of building 7 …. ?
No ofcourse not. Only a conspiracy nut would talk about building nr. 7!
Wait a minute.. Where is building nr.7 gone? There where two planes so it must’ve vaporized or something.
Hey wait another minute! Didn’t the Chicago Empire State building burn for several days and never touched the ground? Wait it gets better: THE WHOLE FFING BUILDING BURNED DOWN TO THE GROUND BUT IN NO WAY THE STEEL STRUCTURE WAS COMPROMISED. THE WTC TOWERS & NR. 7 WHERE BUILD TO WITHSTAND AND SUSTAIN EVEN MORE DAMAGE!
Im not making this up, ask any engineer.
Go chew on that a$$es.
I still don’t understand how all those explosives were placed in three huge structures and no one witnessed a thing. Preparation would include exposing steel girders, using cutting torches to effectively set the explosives, running thousands of feet of detonation fuses, and the daily routine of a demolition crew taking weeks to complete their task. Yet, no one witnessed any of this.
Another fear surrounding blast zones is an inadvertent ignition set of by the use of cell phones. How did they solve this problem? Why did these explosives not ignite when exposed to the extreme heat caused when the jet fuel exploded into a giant fireball? If they didn’t ignite the planted explosives how is it the thousands of feet of wiring still remained intact? Wouldn’t any cut in the wiring break the circuit, rendering the entire controlled demolition useless?
A plane tearing out the support beams six stories high could effectively weaken the ability of that part of the building to support the weight of the floors above it. I wonder if the same amount of damage inflicted on the high rise in Chicago could have caused that building to collapse.
There are pictures of steel girders impaled into the sides of buildings hundreds of feet away from the twin towers. Would these not buckle and then spring, almost like a rubber band, from the weight of the floors crashing down on them? Could not a large section of steel crashed into WTC7 causing structural damage and igniting fires? There were diesel generators in WTC7 which would imply storage tanks. Could this not, in part, help to provide the fuel to sustain a fire for many hours further weakening an already compromised building?
These are just a few questions that I have.
There was an ongoing elevator “modernization” project with numerous “contractors” moving around the buildings for several weeks prior to their destruction. The company in charge was headed by a close friend of the Bush family. Diesel fuel and jet fuel (same thing) doesn’t get anywhere near the temperature required to liquefy steel like what was seen pouring from the towers just before the collapse (look at the video on ae911truth.org). NIST even ignored the FEMA report about melted steel in the buildings.
There was an ongoing elevator “modernization” project with numerous “contractors” moving around the buildings for several weeks prior to their destruction. The company in charge was headed by a close friend of the Bush family. Diesel fuel and jet fuel (same thing) doesn’t get anywhere near the temperature required to liquefy steel like what was seen pouring from the towers just before the collapse (look at the video on ae911truth.org). NIST even ignored the FEMA report about melted steel in the buildings.
We’re wasting our time asking intelligent questions, or presenting more reasonable conclusions, with these people, Jack1952. You’re talking to a wall when you try to be rational with these loons. They’re members of a clique who have got the entire secret history of modern times more or less figured out right down to the last molecule. They’re religee’s, frankly, who cannot brook any dissent from the essential doctrines of their fundamentalism. Their worldview will come crashing down right onto its own footprint, if they did. They would simply implode. The way they see it, we are trying to wire them up with explosives, and they’ll just be damned if they’re going to allow any such thing to happen.
“I still don’t understand how all those explosives were placed in three huge structures and no one witnessed a thing. Preparation would include exposing steel girders, using cutting torches to effectively set the explosives, running thousands of feet of detonation fuses, and the daily routine of a demolition crew taking weeks to complete their task. Yet, no one witnessed any of this.”
Someone very near Bush jr. was running security,
feast yer eyes on this mate;
Oh yeah and they exercised it. Yes. They EXERCISED it.
“I still don’t understand how all those explosives were placed in three huge structures and no one witnessed a thing. Preparation would include exposing steel girders, using cutting torches to effectively set the explosives, running thousands of feet of detonation fuses, and the daily routine of a demolition crew taking weeks to complete their task. Yet, no one witnessed any of this.”
Someone very near Bush jr. was running security,
feast yer eyes on this mate;
Oh yeah and they exercised it. Yes. They EXERCISED it.
I’m not going to hate on you….your ignorant that’s all….these AND MORE questions can and have been answered.Its not my responsibility to educate you…..educate yourself 😉
Building 7 did not have either a plane or thousands of gallons of jet fuel dive bomb into it, maybe that is why it burnt down slowly and reacted nothing like the twin towers, ask ANY engineer, dumba$$.
The WTC Towers were build as a DOUBLE STEEL FRAME MATRIX.
Flying a plane into it is like a fly hitting your perforated door.
That you even go as far as ignoring the fact that building nr. 7 fell to the ground like my grandma getting stun by a bee, but instead you want to assume it burned down slowly?
Are you just plain stupid or do you have s#it for brains?
You are a insult to mankind.
The WTC Towers were build as a DOUBLE STEEL FRAME MATRIX.
Flying a plane into it is like a fly hitting your perforated door.
That you even go as far as ignoring the fact that building nr. 7 fell to the ground like my grandma getting stun by a bee, but instead you want to assume it burned down slowly?
Are you just plain stupid or do you have s#it for brains?
You are a insult to mankind.
So your saying it spontaneously combusted because of…?
You are making allot of sense!
hey lilcrooky,
Building 7 collapsed in a nearly perfectly vertical motion at near the rate of free-fall. The first sign of the collapse is the falling of the penthouse, immediately followed by the falling of the whole facade, as seen from either the north and south. The middle of the building’s north wall fell slightly faster than its edges.These two video frames appear in Chapter 5 of FEMA’s WTC Building Performance Study . Note that most of the white smoke above the building is from the burning debris of the collapsed towers.The straight-down fall of the building’s top can be clearly seen in photographs andvideos. In the pair of images above, note that the position of Building 7’s right wall remains in almost exactly the same horizontal position despite having fallen over 100 feet.
In short, Building 7 imploded. Buildings are not designed to implode. They are designed to remain standing. To achieve a precisely vertical collapse, in which the remains of the building fall inward, is the objective of controlled demolition.
In short, Building 7 imploded. Buildings are not designed to implode. They are designed to remain standing. To achieve a precisely vertical collapse, in which the remains of the building fall inward, is the objective of controlled demolition.
2 – ???????????????????
hey lilcrooky,
Building 7 collapsed in a nearly perfectly vertical motion at near the rate of free-fall. The first sign of the collapse is the falling of the penthouse, immediately followed by the falling of the whole facade, as seen from either the north and south. The middle of the building’s north wall fell slightly faster than its edges.These two video frames appear in Chapter 5 of FEMA’s WTC Building Performance Study . Note that most of the white smoke above the building is from the burning debris of the collapsed towers.The straight-down fall of the building’s top can be clearly seen in photographs andvideos. In the pair of images above, note that the position of Building 7’s right wall remains in almost exactly the same horizontal position despite having fallen over 100 feet.
So your saying it spontaneously combusted because of…?
You are making allot of sense!
one of the better 9/11 docs, back to facts and actual timelines, and steering clear of conspiracy nutcases.
one of the better 9/11 docs, back to facts and actual timelines, and steering clear of conspiracy nutcases.